SQL New Blogger Digest - Week 3

Here are the posts collected from week three of the SQL New Blogger Challenge. It’s been compiled the same way previous weeks’ posts were. Everyone’s doing a great job keeping up with the challenge!

Author Post
@MtnDBA [#SQLNewBlogger Week 3 – PowerShell Aliases
@ceedubvee A Insider’s View of the Autism Spectrum: Autism and Information Technology: New Efforts for Kids to Code
@arrowdrive Anders On SQL: Stupid Stuff I have done. 2/?. Sometimes even a dev server is not a good dev environment
@way0utwest [April Blogger Challenge 3 – Filtered Indexes
@eleightondick [Creating a Self-Contained Multi-Subnet Test Environment, Part I – Networking
@ceedubvee [Empower Individuals With Autism Through Coding
@MattBatalon [EXCEPT and INTERSECT…
@cjsommer [Follow the yellow brick what? My road to public speaking.
@DBAFromTheCold [In-Memory OLTP: Part 3 – Checkpoints
@MattBatalon [Introduction to Windowing Functions
@nocentino Moving SQL Server data between filegroups - Part 1 - Database Structures - Centino Systems Blog
@Lance_LT [My first year as a speaker
@MyHumbleSQLTips My Humble SQL Tips: Tracking Page Splits
@ALevyInROC Padding Fields for Fixed-Position Data Formats
@tpet1433 Sir-Auto-Completes-A-Lot a.k.a. how to break IntelliSense, SQL Prompt and SQL Complete – Tim Peters
@pmpjr [stats, yeah stats.
@DwainCSQL [Stupid T-SQL Tricks – Part 3: A Zodiacal SQL
@cathrinew Table Partitioning in SQL Server - Partition Switching - Cathrine Wilhelmsen
@gorandalf [The MERGE Statement – One Statement for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE
@SQLJudo [The Road to SQL Server 2014 MCSE
@GGreggB [T-SQL Tuesday #65: FMT_ONLY Replacements
@AalamRangi [What is the RetainSameConnection Property of OLEDB Connection in SSIS?
@EdDebug [What Permissions do I need to generate a deploy script with SSDT?
@_KenWilson [Windowing using OFFSET-FETCH
@DesertIsleSQL What Does Analytics Mean?
@DesertIsleSQL Azure ML, SSIS and the Modern Data Warehouse
@DesertIsleSQL Musing about Microsoft’s Acquisition of DataZen and Power BI
@GuruArthur Check for database files not in default location