SQL New Blogger Challenge Digest - Week 4

This week marks the end of Ed Leighton-Dick’s New Blogger Challenge. It’s terrific seeing everyone sticking with the challenge all month and I’m looking forward to catching up with all the posts. Great job, everyone! Keep going!

Author Post
@MtnDBA [#SQLNewBlogger Week 4 – My 1st SQLSaturday session
@Lance_LT [“MongoDB is the WORST!”
@ceedubvee A Insider’s View of the Autism Spectrum: Autism and Information Technology: Big Data for Diagnosis
@Jorriss A Podcast Is Born
@toddkleinhans [A Tale of SQL Server Disk Space Trials and Tribulations
@arrowdrive Anders On SQL: First “real” job with SQL.
@arrowdrive Anders On SQL: Stupid Stuff I have done. 2/?. Sometimes even a dev server is not a good dev environment
@way0utwest [April Blogger Challenge 4–Filtered Index Limitations
@ALevyInROC [Are You Backing Everything Up?
@DesertIsleSQL [Azure Data Lake: Why you might want one
@EdDebug [BIML is better even for simple packages
@tpet1433 Corruption – The Denmark of SQL Instances – Tim Peters
@eleightondick [Creating a Self-Contained Multi-Subnet Test Environment, Part II – Adding a Domain Controller
@MattBatalon [Creating an Azure SQL Database
@pshore73 [Database on the Move – Part I
@pmpjr [Do you wanna build a cluster?!
@AalamRangi [Gotcha – SSIS ImportExport Wizard Can Kill Your Diagrams
@toddkleinhans [How Do Blind People Use SQL Server?
@DBAFromTheCold [In-Memory OLTP: Part 4 – Native Compilation
@AaronBertrand It’s a Harsh Reality - Listen Up - SQL Sentry Team Blog
@GuruArthur Looking back at April - Arthur Baan
@nocentino Moving SQL Server data between filegroups - Part 2 - The implementation - Centino Systems Blog
@MyHumbleSQLTips My Humble SQL Tips: Tracking Query Plan Changes
@m82labs Reduce SQL Agent Job Overlaps · m82labs
@fade2blackuk Rob Sewell on Twitter: “Instances and Ports with PowerShell http://t.co/kwN2KwVDOS”
@DwainCSQL [Ruminations on Writing Great T-SQL
@sqlsanctum [Security of PWDCOMPARE and SQL Hashing
@Pittfurg SQL Server Backup and Restores with PowerShell Part 1: Setting up - Port 1433
@cjsommer [Using PowerShell to Export SQL Data to CSV. How well does it perform?
@gorandalf [Using SSIS Lookup Transformation in ETL Packages
@nicharsh Words on Words: 5 Books That Will Improve Your Writing